Giving Back
to Youth, Music &
the Jazz Community
“I want to give back some of the goodness I received.”
– Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong
“My whole life has been happiness. Through all the misfortunes… I did not plan anything. Life was there for me, and I accepted it. And life, whatever came out, has been beautiful to me and I love everybody.”
– Louis Armstrong
Satchmo’s Kids
Satchmo Kids is a new initiative to expand and enhance education in schools and communities.
The Louis Armstrong Educational
Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 20681
New York, NY 10021
10 East 40th Street – Suite 2710
New York, NY 10016
The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc. owns the intellectual rights and trademarks to license the use of Louis Armstrong™, Satchmo™ and Wonderful World™
Licensing Inquiries
General Inquiries
For all inquiries regarding grants, programs, projects and other opportunities for the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc.
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