About The Louis Armstrong Foundation

“I want to give back some of the goodness I received.” ~ Louis Armstrong

The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation Inc. was founded and funded by Louis and Lucille Armstrong in 1969 to “give back to the world some of the goodness he received.”

The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to perpetuating the legacies of Louis and Lucille Armstrong throughout the world.  Its mission includes supporting musicians, Jazz education, performances and programming.

LAEF is a living legacy to “Satchmo” Louis Armstrong, the most important creative force in the early development and perpetuation of America’s music, Jazz.  His influence, as an artist and cultural icon, is universal, unmatched and very much alive today.

Grantee: Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Jazz Camp

What he does is real, and true, and honest, and simple, and even noble. Every time this man puts his trumpet to his lips, even if only to practice three notes, he does it with his whole soul.

~ Leonard Bernstein on
Louis Armstrong


The Louis Armstrong Educational
Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 20681
New York, NY 10021

10 East 40th Street - Suite 2710
New York, NY  10016


The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc. owns the intellectual rights and trademarks to license the use of Louis Armstrong™, Satchmo™ and Wonderful World™
Licensing Inquiries

General Inquiries

For all inquiries regarding grants, programs, projects and other opportunities for the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc.
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