Louis Armstrong Emergency Fund for Jazz Musicians
Due to the mandatory closing of clubs, restaurants and performance venues throughout New York City, thousands of jazz musicians are without work with no tangible relief in sight. The entire jazz ecosystem has been shut down, and the jazz community is devastated! To mitigate some of the loss, this fund will award an unprecedented $1,000,000 to assist qualifying musicians in need.
New York is the center of modern jazz with clubs and venues in all five boroughs, employing thousands of musicians annually. Working with leading jazz nightclub owners, scholars, presenters and media activists in the metropolitan area, we have created a process that ensures the qualifications of each recipient.
This is a very large fund for an institution of our size, but we are doing what we know ‘Pops’ would do. We welcome individuals, foundations and other organizations who are so inclined to join us in supporting this underserved community.
We want to have the greatest possible impact. Therefore, we need your support. With your help we can reach many more needy jazz musicians in the New York area; and as the saying goes “more spokes on the wheel, makes the wheel stronger!”

The Louis Armstrong Educational
Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 20681
New York, NY 10021
10 East 40th Street - Suite 2710
New York, NY 10016
The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc. owns the intellectual rights and trademarks to license the use of Louis Armstrong™, Satchmo™ and Wonderful World™
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Special thanks to the Louis Armstrong House Museum for their invaluable help and resources.
Louis Armstrong House Museum 34-56 107 Street Corona, Queens, NY 11368 718-478-8274 Fax: 718-478-8299 www.louisarmstronghouse.org