Emergency Fund for Jazz Musicians – Testimonials
Rudy 4/20/20
“Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you so much. I know you asked for a quote in the form, but if this email can help convey my appreciation of you, I hope to fully show my deepest gratitude to you.
This is the first grant I’ve received at all during this crisis, and between being away from cherished people & possessions, and not hearing back from other grants & opportunities (including not being approved for unemployment yet), every day has been a day filled with dread…
With this email, you have just given me so much hope. You’ve given me time. You’ve given me a way to fill basic needs, and to know that people are listening.
I remember hearing stories from Jimmy Heath and Craig about how Lucille would hold onto Mr Armstrong’s funds and give him an “allowance” of sorts… To imagine that 60+ years later, we artists can be supported because of her book smarts, coupled with your organization’s work in building this fund for future artists… That in itself is unreal.
I am honored, and very grateful.
For allowing artists to apply for this, thank you. Thank you to Satchmo. Thank you for supporting artists during this time”.
“My undying gratitude to you, your board and everyone who was involved in the decision that I was worthy of receiving a grant from the Foundation. This money will go a long way toward easing the pain of the pandemic lockdown.
All honor and glory to the memory of Louis Armstrong!”
David (Ralph) 4/23/20
I am so happy that the Louis Armstrong Fund has supplied relief in this stressful time. All work and gigs have been cancelled and stopped for me. I am older and not sure what I’m going to do or if it makes sense to continue as before when the is over. In the meantime, to have support from you is so appreciated and makes me feel hopeful that the average musician is not forgotten but there is a place for us. OMG!, and Mr Armstrong himself did not forget us because he knew that the (average Joe) Musician is often times forgotten, though we provide so much for mankind.”
Angel 4/24/20
“I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and understanding towards us NYC freelance musicians in this difficult and unprecedented time. I was so filled with gratitude this morning upon receiving your e-mail notification, it’s still hard to express in words!
…and to think that this came from the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, an absolute musical idol since my earliest childhood when my father introduced me to his music. Incidentally, my father (finally) came to visit me in NYC last November and we had such a great time at Pops’ House Museum – too think that this was 5 months ago, wow!
Thank you for what you do, we love you for it!”
“I am overwhelmed and moved by having been awarded this grant, and by the fact that it has been created by the Louis Armstrong Foundation. Aside from the fact that my family is in real need of help after losing an entire 4 busy months of work, is that Louis Armstrong the man, has already given all jazz musicians so much (and beyond musicians – way beyond). His music has already given all of us the base upon which to create our own art, and his bold and joyous spirit continues to animate the endless dance between the vast and sprawling history of this music, and the development of each of our own small but essential individual voices within it. Speaking very personally, I feel that his life’s work has largely been responsible for my having been able to form a belief system that continues to provide my life with a sense of purpose and meaning. Thank you Pops.”
Matthew 4/25/20
“ I wish to thank everyone at The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation for their generous support of jazz musicians in this time of uncertainty. It is an honor to be included among the recipients, many of whom are esteemed friends and colleagues. Somewhere Pops is smiling broadly knowing his legacy is alive.”
Vicki-Lyn 4/25/20
“I just want to thank everyone who has made this possible for their wisdom and graciousness. This will go a long way for so many people, including myself. It’s very beautiful to finally feel like I haven’t been forgotten about financially, as it is so easy to feel when you are a young jazz musician in New York. Thank you so much, and I wish anyone who is reading this safety, healthy, and happiness.”
Evan 4/25/20
“I am incredibly grateful to the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation Emergency Musicians Relief Fund for their important support, not only for my current situation of losing all of my live gig income for the foreseeable future, but for their very public support to the entire jazz community here in New York City. So many of my professional jazz musician friends are grateful as well, and we all want to make Pops proud going forward! Big BIG THANKS!” (ps: feel free to use my name on this quote…I’m happy and proud to show my love to you all! THANK YOU!!’
Vinson 4/25/20
‘This grant will allow me to maintain my studio which also serves as living quarters (live/work loft) in Brooklyn during this time after which all live performance revenue stopped immediately without warning. Every time I hear Louis Armstrong, say on break during a gig, his lines, his sound, his rhythm, his melodies within melodies always astound me and warm my heart and stimulate my mind. I have felt much gratitude for what Mr. Armstrong did for the music and subsequently all of us – musicians or just citizens of planet Earth. This grant only deepens the sense of care from a great man and artist. Thank You’.
Sharif 4/26/20
“I’m so grateful to the Armstrong Foundation – and to my musical hero, Mr. Louis Armstrong himself – for this grant. I worked hard to get to the point where I make my living solely as a performer. I have been very fortunate. But now the global pandemic has taken that living away from all performers. Not only is this money helpful to pay rent, but it is an expression of the love, care, and respect that the jazz community holds for its members. Even while I cannot work, this acknowledgment by the Foundation reminds me that I am still a valued member of society. Thank you!!!!!!”
Michael 4/25/20
COVID-19 Impact
“I am under an incredible amount of financial strain due to the effects of Covid-19. My financial troubles began when I missed two weeks of performances due to a debilitating case of influenza-which I now believe was Covid-19. That same week I lost financial backing for my newest recording project due to the incredible financial strain upon the generous donor, and his business that is based in Shanghai China. Unfortunately I’ve been left with a large portion of the debt from musician, studio and production costs. I’ve lost over 80 dates of concerts, festivals and other live performances through August (so far). I’ve also been informed that the television pilot that I shot as a co-host of a new arts related “magazine-style” program will not be moving into production as anticipated due to the network halting non-essential productions. There have been a number of un-refunded travel expenses for my band. Several venues have been in touch in regard to performance deposits being returned as compliant to force majeure within their contracts. In all, the effects of this virus have left me with around $60,000 in lost income and has accumulated debt on my American Express. If provided a grant, funds would go toward paying rent and other living expenses as well as paying off accumulating debt from the album and travel expenses.”
Bryan 4/18/20

The Louis Armstrong Educational
Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 20681
New York, NY 10021
10 East 40th Street - Suite 2710
New York, NY 10016
The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc. owns the intellectual rights and trademarks to license the use of Louis Armstrong™, Satchmo™ and Wonderful World™
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General Inquiries
For all inquiries regarding grants, programs, projects and other opportunities for the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation, Inc.
Contact Us
Special thanks to the Louis Armstrong House Museum for their invaluable help and resources.
Louis Armstrong House Museum 34-56 107 Street Corona, Queens, NY 11368 718-478-8274 Fax: 718-478-8299 www.louisarmstronghouse.org